Lifestyle Redesign

Lifestyle Redesign
Shradha Haria
October 11, 2024
Lifestyle Redesign


When you consider your lifestyle, you predominantly think about the way you lead our life – the sort of activities (aka occupations) that you engage in on a day to day basis. This can often include things like physical activity, sleep, natural light, the places you visit and the way you choose to spend your awake hours. It also includes the choices you make, for example what you decide to spend money on or the habits that you often subconsciously engage in.

So when you are looking at re-designing your life, it is absolutely important to take an audit of your life and determine the different areas that typically make up your day or week. Feel free to grab a copy of the lifestyle audit:

Lifability Audit

Once you have an idea of what your life typically looks like you can start to understand where you tend to put your energies and how fulfilled you feel. Redesigning your life to one that of more meaning and connection includes understanding what your driving factors are. The more you can understand the “why”, the more likely we are able to form patterns that are longer term and more consistent. Central to lifestyle redesign is the act of envisioning what an ideal life looks like for you. This vision isn't just about material success or external markers of achievement, but rather about a holistic sense of well-being and satisfaction. It involves identifying what truly matters to you—whether it's pursuing a passion, fostering meaningful relationships, prioritizing health and wellness, or achieving a sense of balance and harmony.

When you think of a healthy diet, you often think about the type of food you eat, the nutrient absorption levels, filtered water, natural light, low EMF’s and so on, however, a healthy diet or a healthy lifestyle is much more than the physical aspects. As you may know stress often has a negative impact on the gut micro-biome and when you have a unhealthy microbiome, you then start to notice the physical disturbances in your bodies that start to show up as physical symptoms. So if you can delve into understanding our causes of stress and addressing that, you are likely to see an added benefit.

So when you are considering a healthy diet, we are not only looking at the physical factors of the environment and the occupations you engage in, but you are also looking at the type of mental activity, the thoughts that we expend your energies in. It is important to realise the deep connection between the mind and body and that they are not separate entities. So the thoughts that you think and the emotions that you feel has an impact on the physiological responses in the body and vice versa.

Redesigning your lifestyle isn't without its challenges. It may involve letting go of familiar but limiting habits, navigating uncertainty, and facing resistance from others. However, each challenge presents an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Building a supportive network, seeking guidance from mentors, or practicing mindfulness can all help navigate these obstacles. Redesigning our life can sometimes be confusing as you start to move away from the norm that you know to create a new normal. It includes changing your subconscious to a healthier version that serves the life you want to live. It involves changing your paradigms through more understanding and repetition so that you can create a new life of meaning. Sometimes this path can lead to feelings of loneliness and lack of support as you try to break through some mental barriers. This is a “normal” process however, it is important to realise that there is support out there.

The more clarity that you can allow yourself, no matter the discomfort you may feel, the more likely the universe will show you the path forward. As it is often known, you don’t attract what you want but more so what you need/what we are at a vibrational level. Hence the more, you are able to tune into the feelings of the life you want to create and then engage in those activities on a consistent basis so they form new habits, you are then able to start living a new life through intention. This does not mean that there will be no challenges and life will be easy flowing, however, it will help you understand the power you hold within to make the desired changes.

Above all, lifestyle redesign is a journey rather than a destination. It's about embracing change and continuously refining your life to better reflect who you are and who you aspire to be. It requires courage, self-awareness, and a willingness to experiment and adapt along the way.

Whether contemplating on a major overhaul or seeking incremental changes, the essence of lifestyle redesign lies in aligning our actions with your values and creating a life that resonates deeply with your soul. By embarking on this journey, you not only enrich your own life but also inspire others to consider their own paths to fulfilment.

If you have been either struggling for awhile, or wanting to make changes or going through experiences that feel defeating, feel free to be supported through the lifestyle redesign program:

Lifestyle Redesign | Lifability

And remember the grass is green where you water it so attend to yourself and your needs and redesign your life!

Shradha Haria
October 11, 2024